Just at a time when the atmosphere at this year’s <strong>Miami Music Week</strong> should reach its apex, due to the blastoff of the annual <strong>Ultra Music Festival</strong>, the general mood is becoming pretty dim as bad news coming up from electronic dance music dons <strong>Afrojack</strong> and <strong>Avicii</strong> who were both recently taken ill and have been hospitalised as a consequence.

Whilst the reasons behind Avicii’s cancellation of his <strong>SLS</strong> performance and his hospitalisation are not yet clear, Afrojack has already informed his fans through Twitter that everything is ok again:

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” lang=”de”>Im ok, dehydrated and overworked, guess i got a little too excited

— Afrojack (@djafrojack) <a href=”https://twitter.com/djafrojack/statuses/449395992841175040“>28. März 2014</a></blockquote>

Much to our delight, neither case seems to be serious as both have been checked out of hospital and therefore probably make a full recovery before their Ultra performances on Saturday and Sunday.

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